6. Practical Carpentary materials info

1.   Karvat  :  Used to cut wood.

2.  Hand driller :  Man power machine It uses to drill wood.

3.  State hammer :   Used to adjust wood peaces.

4.  Ambar     :   Uses to pull nails.

5.  Nishana   :   Uses to sharp wood to make slippery.

6.  Millet   :   Used in adjusting patra to wood.                                                       

  7.  Kikre  :   Used to remove useless wood.
8. Patashi :  Used to remove useless wood.

9.  Round coil:  Used in carpentary work.

10. Squar coil :  Used in carpentary work.

11.  Claw hammer  :  Used in hammering.

12.Vaakas      :  Used to remove bubbles on wood.


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